Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Yup... A BETTER ME... That's my new year's resolution. Huhu... There are 2 weeks more before I can discard my 2008 calendar... Another 2 weeks to go before I can start filling-up my personal memoranda into the new diary (Yes, I got diaries... Duh... laugh at me!)... Haha...

Well, a BETTER me... Yes, Yeah and hell Yeap! Looking forward for a BETTER me, next year!!!!
Oops... Faris, dun give me that kind of stare ler... I know, I know, I'm not a good person in realising resolutions, should we review the past years as benchmarks....

In 2006, my major aim was to get myself toned (a bit k, I'm not metrosexual or etc. etc. hahaha), as people kept saying me so thin... Haiz... In January, I started buying exercise stuff etc. etc.... as well looking for health magazines and etc. etc. In February, haha... I got my schedule on... Haha... As well, to start buying muscle gainer supplements and etc. etc... then came March, I delayed all the exercise sechedule to April, giving myself lame excuses such as, "I'm too busy this week, next week k." But the NEXT WEEK seemed not to appear until April... And in April, guess what???? I' ve stored all those equipments into the store and stacked those magazines outside, near the dustbin there... Hahahaha.... What a shame! Haha... Pathetic.

Same goes to 2007 - Should highlight here that I was so enthusiastic in announcing and made it clear to public that I want to save my earnings.... Hahaha.... Told you, wanted to save them so that I can get married as soon as possible, and then to breed a football team a.k.a. almost-a-dozen children.... Hahaha... But as you can easily guess, I ended up buying all the unnecessaries until I got a LCD tv and etc. etc. that I dun want to mention here, in case that my dad would eventually read this blog and get mad out of it.... Haha... Sorry dad! And now, tell you, I got no savings, save for the Public Mutual fund that KC brutally forced me to join.... Haha! Thank God! Hush... No questions bout the porn thingies k, won't lend neither subsidize to you... Haha...!

In 2008, hmmm.... Hah! I forgot to come out with new resolutions... Why? Damn it... In December, I was so busy adjusting myself to fit in into a relationship that now proven bringing me to nowhere. Again, what a shame... Hahha... A true diversion, wasn't it?

But anyway, no matter what, tell you... I'm still alive, thank God for that! So that I still got a chance to come out with a list (repeated A LONG LIST) of resolutions to be accomplished for 2009. Wahaha... Wanna know what has been included into the long list? Erm... Well, aside of getting my dick enlarged as well of adding up for more porn collections... well, hell yeah.... I would say, "Guys, it's a long list... I have yet to finalise it out... In the midst of shortlisting them..." Wahaha... See! See! A very long list, tell you...! Haha!

Nudge, no more craps... Ok la, revealing it a bit won't hurt anyone... I want to get myself focussed, toned, vitalised and any other words that would spice it up... to create a BETTER me. Yeah, gotta admit that for all this long, I've been someone erm.... naughty! Nah, more than naughty.... Should it be Devilish? Shush!!! downgrade it a bit... Yeah, bad... I've been a BAD person... I did hurt lots of people's feelings, nevertheless my own feelings... Haiz... Sigh...

Looking forward to become a BETTER person, for myself, for my parents, for my family, for my buddies, for my loved one (If only I have one... Single here, duh!), for the country, for the religion and for everything ler... Hahaha.... Sounds so blur still, rite?

Later la, once I've finalized it, I'll text every one of you, as I always did... Haha... :) lol, and do support my resolutions as you guys always did yeah... and be prepared to "Booo" me once again for not making my resolutions real, as you guys kept doing in the previous years... Hehe.

Think that I should put a pause here... cause me now posting an 'empty'+'meaningless' blog... Haiz... But yeah, it's OK lah as a kickstart of getting myself re-blogging.... Agree? Ahah! I'm now a blogger again... and here's my first post! Pardon me for this lame post... But believe me, I will polish my blogging skills a bit as it is damn too muddy+rustic now... Haha! And promise you guys, you'll get a lot more from me hereon.

Well, dedicate this song, BETTER MAN from Robbie Williams to all of you.... (Yeah, I know... you guys yeakksss him... But I DO love him. He's awesome, rite? Duh!)
Once for all... here is: -
Robbie Williams

Nudge a.k.a Adan: Err... Please do not believe me bout the 'dick-enlargement' thing up there... I've got a good size down here... Hehe... DUH!



  1. Correction, the vid I uploaded there isn't RObbie Williams la... But originally was sung by him....


  2. Nudge.
    Would you like joining me in the ... Competition? Duh... Haha ^_^

  3. Yess i know u got a good size down there but there is no need to advertise in here haha
    Btw how good is ur size? mind telling? I'm hamsap haha

  4. Uihh.. Apa yg korg berdua duk merepek ni?
    X senonoh and X-rated tul la...

    Ish..ish..ish... Insaf lah wei...



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